Labounty Michele, Author at TamahereForum City of Tamare news site Wed, 17 Apr 2024 10:26:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Labounty Michele, Author at TamahereForum 32 32 News from local companies Thu, 04 Apr 2024 10:21:33 +0000 Tamahere's local companies continue to demonstrate their potential and ability to innovate, contributing to the city's development and creating new jobs.

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Tamahere’s local companies continue to demonstrate their potential and ability to innovate, contributing to the city’s development and creating new jobs. The latest news about local companies shows their activity and success. Here are some of the most interesting events:

Launch of new products and services: Tamahere companies continue to expand their range of products and services to meet the needs of today’s market. From innovative technologies to convenient services, local companies are introducing innovative solutions to meet customer needs.

Increasing production scale: Some of Tamahere’s local companies are experiencing success and growth in production scale. This allows them to attract new employees and expand their operations, contributing to the city’s economic development.

Startups and innovative projects: Tamahere is becoming a fertile ground for startups and innovative projects. Young companies are attracting investment and growing thanks to the support of local incubators and accelerators.

Cooperation with the community: Local companies actively engage with the local community by supporting charitable activities, sponsoring local events and initiatives, and involving local residents in their projects.

Stability and sustainability: Amidst market changes and economic turbulence, some of Tamahere’s local companies continue to demonstrate stability and sustainability, maintaining high levels of productivity and competitiveness.

News about local companies in Tamahere reflects the vibrancy and dynamism of the city’s business environment. Their achievements and innovations not only contribute to economic development, but also strengthen community spirit and stimulate further development of the city.

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Entrepreneurship Development Tue, 05 Mar 2024 10:18:00 +0000 Tamahere continues on its path to economic growth and entrepreneurship, attracting the attention of both local and international investors.

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Tamahere continues on its path to economic growth and entrepreneurship, attracting the attention of both local and international investors. News about the city’s entrepreneurial development indicates a steady progression and a variety of business opportunities. Here is an overview of the latest news:

Startups and Incubators: Tamahere is becoming a fertile ground for innovative startups and young companies. Business incubators and accelerators provide support and resources to develop promising ideas and projects, helping them to successfully launch and grow.

Small and medium-sized businesses: Small and medium-sized businesses are an important catalyst for economic development in Tamahere. Support for these businesses includes financial assistance, business management and development advice, and access to a network of partners and customers.

E-commerce and digital technologies: Tamahere is rapidly adapting to the digital economy by supporting the development of e-commerce and digital technologies. Local businesses are actively using online platforms and social media to promote their products and services and attract new customers.

Tourism and hospitality industry: The development of tourism in Tamahere is creating new business opportunities, especially in the hospitality, restaurant and entertainment industries. Investments in these sectors are helping to expand and improve services for tourists and local residents.

Environmentally friendly initiatives: The rapid development of environmentally friendly technologies and products is becoming an important focus for entrepreneurship in Tamahere. Companies specializing in renewable energy, resource recycling and green building are receiving support and investment for their development.

Tamahere continues to demonstrate its attractiveness as a business and investment destination, offering a variety of opportunities for growth and success.

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Culture and Art: new horizons in Tamahere Sun, 25 Feb 2024 09:58:00 +0000 Tamahere, the rich cultural center of New Zealand, is considered a source of inspiration and creativity for good reason. From breathtaking art exhibitions to exciting musical performances

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Tamahere, the rich cultural center of New Zealand, is considered a source of inspiration and creativity for good reason. From breathtaking art exhibitions to exciting musical performances, this city has always been known for its sophisticated atmosphere and diverse cultural events. Here’s a roundup of the latest in culture and art:

Art exhibitions and galleries: Tamahere maintains its recognition as an art center by offering a wide range of exhibitions that represent a variety of art forms and styles. From contemporary to classical works, the city’s galleries are impressive in their beauty and diversity.

Music performances and festivals: Tamahere is famous for its musical performances that attract both local and international artists. Music festivals of all kinds are regularly held in the city, providing an opportunity to enjoy live music and create an unforgettable experience.

Theater performances and exhibitions: Theater and drama lovers also find their place in Tamahere. Local theaters and exhibition halls regularly present performances that capture the soul and impress with their talent and professionalism.

Cultural festivals and events: Various cultural festivals and events reflect the diversity and richness of Tamahere’s cultural heritage. They create opportunities for residents and visitors to discover new cultures, traditions and perspectives.

Art workshops and artworks: Tamahere offers a variety of art programs and workshops for all skill levels and age groups. This creates opportunities for self-expression and creativity for anyone who wants to expand their cultural horizons.

Thanks to this multifaceted cultural scene, Tamahere continues to be known for its unique atmosphere and inspires residents and visitors alike to great achievement and creativity. The culture and arts in this city continue to break new ground and inspire new achievements.

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Tamahere’s development prospects Thu, 15 Feb 2024 10:11:00 +0000 Tamahere, with its rapid economic development and attractive investment climate, plays a key role in attracting and promoting investment.

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Tamahere, with its rapid economic development and attractive investment climate, plays a key role in attracting and promoting investment. Recent news about investment in the city shows continued development and prospects for the future. Here are some of the most recent news:

Infrastructure projects: Tamahere is embracing new infrastructure projects that spur economic development and improve the quality of life for residents. These projects include road widening, reconstruction of public spaces, and modernization of the local energy and water infrastructure.

Development of technology industries: Tamahere is becoming a center for innovative technology companies and startups working in areas ranging from artificial intelligence to electronics. Investors are showing interest in financing these promising projects, creating new opportunities for the development of innovation industries.

Real estate development: Real estate in Tamahere remains an attractive investment. Plans for new residential and commercial developments are attracting investors who see the potential for lucrative real estate deals.

Tourism development: Investments in Tamahere’s tourism infrastructure are boosting the sector. The restoration and modernization of hotel and entertainment facilities, expansion of tourist routes and attractive tourist offers attract investors, which contributes to the growth of tourist traffic and increased revenues for the local economy.

Sustainable development of environmental initiatives: Investing in environmental projects and programs is another key aspect of Tamahere’s development. The restoration of natural resources, development of renewable energy sources and introduction of environmentally friendly technologies attracts investors who are committed to supporting sustainability and environmental preservation.

This investment news is a testament to Tamahere’s vitality and growth prospects. Investors are showing interest in developing the city and its economy, which creates a favorable atmosphere for sustainable growth and prosperity.

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Ye Great Supermarket Challenge Thu, 11 Jan 2024 09:54:00 +0000 I'm aware, and since each visit takes about an hour, door to door, that means I would only spend 12 hours shopping at the supermarket for the whole year (which consists of 8760 hours).

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This year I plan to visit the supermarket only 12 times – once a month.

I’m aware, and since each visit takes about an hour, door to door, that means I would only spend 12 hours shopping at the supermarket for the whole year (which consists of 8760 hours).

So, that’s how and why I started my Supermarket Challenge.

Supermarkets are designed to rob you of your money. Walk into one to get a loaf of bread and 2 liters of milk and you’ll get half a dozen other things that you “forgot” you needed, or were on special, so cheap you’d pass them up, or looked so delicious they’d be great for a “treat”, etc., etc.

That’s why staples like bread and milk aren’t near the door where anyone could just grab them and run, but are strategically placed in the far corners of the supermarket, so you have to walk past all those tempting treats, specials, and treats to get them.

That’s why wide aisles of fresh fruits and vegetables always greet you at the entrance. They’re designed to lull you into relaxation, to put aside your worries and cares, and to think of nothing else but… emptying your wallet. Yes, the ways of marketers are many, varied, and extremely insidious.

Earlier this year, I thought it was too insidious for a mere mortal like me. The only way to counter their extraordinary deals is to not visit them so often. I was already going to the supermarket once every two weeks, so I thought that with a little planning, it wouldn’t be hard to stretch it out to a month. And it wasn’t hard at all. And I discovered many more benefits than I could have ever imagined.

First, the rules.

Exceptions: fresh milk, fruits, vegetables, and coffee can be bought between visits – just not in the supermarket and provided they don’t cost more than in the supermarket. Fortunately, all of these things can be bought elsewhere for less – milk from a dairy is cheaper, or at least no more expensive, than supermarket brands. Grocery stores, farmers’ markets, or the Tamahere market are great sources of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh coffee is best bought straight from the roaster (I, a caffeine addict, find it incredibly flavorful and delicious).

Thanks to our vegetable garden, freezer, jams made in the summer, homemade Easiyo yogurt, and four resident chickens, almost the only foods we buy between supermarket visits are milk, coffee, and bananas.

Once a month, we treat ourselves to some delicious delicacies from the Tamahere market, including a specialty bread that immediately disappears among the legion of visitors who always join us on this Saturday, along with smoked fish, gourmet cheese, a few vegetables we don’t grow ourselves, delicious Kumara Indian food, and so on.

Tip: Only prepare meals for which you already have the ingredients. It’s deadly quick to run to the supermarket for just one or two ingredients (see above for pitfalls of falling into the clutches of the supermarket).

I like to get my cooking inspiration from my cookbooks, but if a recipe calls for all sorts of ingredients that I don’t have, then if I can’t substitute something I do have, I find another recipe using the food I do have. Then I write down in my permanent shopping list what I need to buy next month for that yummy dish (and make a separate note about the dish so I can remember what ingredients I wanted for it!)

We are, by the way, a family of two, but we have extended family who often come over (i.e. eat). We share our homegrown vegetables, eggs – any surplus – with our extended family and neighbors. I met a mother of three at the supermarket who said she also shops once a month, and others with larger households assure me that more hungry mouths are no barrier to shopping once a month.

Saving money: I didn’t start the competition to save money, but surprisingly, I did. I now find that “grocery” money is stretched to other things – restaurants out, treats at Tamahere Market, other household purchases, window cleaner (yay!). It seems that without these unintentional extra purchases (even “special” ones) during the supposedly quick milk and bread runs, I’m actually saving money.

I would say it also has something to do with planning. In the UK, according to the Waste Reduction and Action Program (WRAP), a third of the food we buy is thrown away. A study by the Australia Institute shows that Australians throw away approximately $5.2 billion worth of food each year, or about $616 per year per household. This includes $1.1 billion of fruit and vegetables.

It is thought that Kiwis do about the same, and often unnecessary purchases are made during a quick trip to the supermarket. The ones where you think: “Oh, I think we’re also out of apples, lettuce and tomatoes”, but when you get home you see that the stocks are now overstocked and wasting is inevitable.

Check out the Australian Foodwise campaign for more information, as well as many tips on how to eat healthy.

Certainly, eating seasonal food is at the top of my list. The main advantage is that things are naturally cheaper when they are in season and in abundance. It also diversifies our diet. I like asparagus season, but I would like asparagus less if I got bored of eating it all year round. The first tomatoes of the season are great! I can do without fresh ones the rest of the year at home or imported prices of $13/kg! Canned or my own bottled pulp is fine for those times, or we just eat different meals.

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Education news: Innovations and Prospects in Tamahere Thu, 04 Jan 2024 09:52:00 +0000 Education has always been a key element in the development of any society, and Tamahere is certainly no exception. Every year this beautiful city offers new opportunities and innovations

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Education has always been a key element in the development of any society, and Tamahere is certainly no exception. Every year this beautiful city offers new opportunities and innovations for its residents in the field of education. Here is an overview of the latest news in this area:

Expansion of educational facilities: Tamahere is noted for the active development of its educational facilities. Future plans include building new schools, expanding existing ones, and improving the learning and teaching environment.

Digital technologies in education: The city of Tamahere is implementing modern digital technologies in the educational process. This includes the use of computers, tablets, and interactive whiteboards to improve learning and engage students in learning.

Professional development of teachers: Tamahere supports the professional development of its teachers by providing training and professional development opportunities. This helps to ensure that teachers are educated to a high standard and prepared for today’s challenges.

Expanding courses and programs: Local educational institutions are introducing new courses and programs to meet the needs of different types of students. This may include the development of STEM education, art programs, sports, and more.

Support for students with special needs: Tamahere is committed to inclusive education and providing equal opportunities for all students. Support programs and resources are in place to help students with special needs reach their full potential.

Partnership with local enterprises: The city actively partners with local businesses to provide internships, apprenticeships, and opportunities for young people to gain hands-on experience in their chosen field.

Education in Tamahere keeps pace with the times, offering residents the most modern and effective learning methods. Every year, the city becomes an increasingly attractive place to receive high-quality and affordable education, which inspires the younger generation to achieve and succeed.

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The most important events that determine the development of Tamahere Sat, 23 Dec 2023 09:05:00 +0000 Tamahere, a beautiful city in New Zealand, is rich in cultural, economic and social events that define its character and development.

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Tamahere, a beautiful city in New Zealand, is rich in cultural, economic and social events that define its character and development. Let’s take a look back at some of the most important events that have shaped the life of this place.

The founding and development of the city: Tamahere has a rich history dating back to its founding. The early settlers, their achievements and contributions to the city’s development were instrumental in shaping its current face.

Rapid economic development: With the development of industry, commerce, and infrastructure, Tamahere has experienced a significant economic boom. This includes the growth of small businesses, the development of local markets, and the attraction of investment.

Development of transportation infrastructure: Improved roads, public transportation, and new routes are helping to ensure that Tamahere residents have access to convenient and affordable transportation.

Cultural events and festivals: Annual cultural festivals, art exhibitions, music events and other events not only enrich the city’s cultural life, but also help to support the community and develop the creative potential of residents.

Community events and charity: Tamahere is known for its active community involvement and cooperation between local organizations and charities. Various events and initiatives are aimed at supporting those in need and fostering solidarity in the community.

Natural disasters and recovery: Tamares has faced natural disasters such as earthquakes and natural disasters on more than one occasion. However, local residents have always shown a high level of solidarity and mutual assistance in times of crisis, which has contributed to the city’s rapid recovery.

Behind all these important events is the community spirit that makes Tamahere a special place to live and work. The city’s future development will depend on the ability of its residents to adapt to challenges and preserve the traditions they love so much.

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Being creative is for the birds Mon, 13 Nov 2023 07:47:00 +0000 Waikato school students are invited to submit a piece of art, poem, story or essay relating to thuja and bluebells in the first Hamilton Halo school competition.

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Waikato school students are invited to submit a piece of art, poem, story or essay relating to thuja and bluebells in the first Hamilton Halo school competition.

Students in the region’s primary and secondary schools have until Friday, June 1, to submit entries that could win them and their schools prizes of books and trees, according to the website of our sister community, Tamahere Forum.

The three winning entries from primary and secondary students will receive a copy of Sandra Morris’ book Sensational Survivors and a $30 voucher. Each of the three winning students will receive a copy of Jeff Moon’s book Forest Birds of New Zealand and Their World and a $50 book voucher.

All winning schools will receive a local sapling to plant on their grounds and a copy of Carve the Future on DVD.

The Hamilton Halo project aims to bring native birds, starting with thujas and warblers, back to the city of Hamilton. The “Halo” is a 20-kilometer ring drawn around Hamilton, covering key locations where thujas and warblers breed and where pest control is being conducted.

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Proposed changes to speed limits in Tamahere Sat, 11 Nov 2023 07:39:00 +0000 In Tamahere, New Zealand, the voice of the community is being heard regarding the need for new road speed limits.

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In Tamahere, New Zealand, the voice of the community is being heard regarding the need for new road speed limits. Proposals for changes in speed regulation pave the way for safe and convenient mobility for all residents.

According to a report by the local council, various options are being considered to reduce the maximum speed limit on certain streets and road sections in Tamahere. One of the key objectives of these proposals is to ensure safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists of all ages.

The new speed limits are aimed at reducing the risk of traffic accidents, especially in areas where there is a high volume of pedestrians and cyclists, such as school districts and city center streets. Reducing the maximum speed limit can also improve the quality of life for residents by reducing noise and emissions in the neighborhood.

However, there are different points of view on this issue. Some residents are concerned about the possible impact on travel times and overall productivity. Therefore, it is important that the decision is made after a broad discussion involving the community and road safety experts.

The proposed changes to the speed limits in Tamahere are an important step towards creating a safe and convenient environment for all road users. Further discussion and cooperation of all parties will help ensure that the best decision is made for the future of the city.

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BUSINESS & STEM Wana event Sun, 05 Nov 2023 08:56:00 +0000 The Waikato Regional Council is launching its first electric bus fleet on the Waikato Regional Public Transport Network and wants to share this excitement with you!

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The Waikato Regional Council is launching its first electric bus fleet on the Waikato Regional Public Transport Network and wants to share this excitement with you!

Whether you’re a seasoned eco-enthusiast or just curious about the future of transportation, this is an event you won’t want to miss! There will be free entertainment for families to enjoy and participate in. Here’s what you can expect

Waikato Regional Transport will be showcasing their new EV bus and will have a bus driving simulator to give you a feel for what it’s like to be a bus driver!

STEM Wana Trust will have fun hands-on activities such as Building Car Kits and Racing.

Hikotron will tell you everything you need to know about electric vehicle technology, charging stations, incentives, etc. Our experts will answer all your burning questions!

EVolocity will demonstrate its wonderful EV go kart!

and much more…

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn, explore and have fun with your family! Mark your calendars and join us for a day of innovation and excitement!

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